Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eating our way through Praha

Dining Car with a view. Travelling from Praha to Budapest

Tiramisu in the dining car

Fried Camembert on a bed of rice and a spiced cherry chutney

Spaghetti bolognaise in the dining car ... travelling from Praha back to Budapest

Aberdeen Angus Minced Beef Pie, Toffee Roulade from Marks and Spencers. Apricots and peaches from a vendor at Wenceslas Square

Oops! remembered just before devouring the last bits. Prague Platter - Roast Duck with Bread and Potatoe dumplings


Sumitra MohantyChakrabarti said...

Mouthwatering! Now it is your turn to demo your culinary skills again & reproduce ALL these dishes!
The dining car in the train looks fab!
Next, write about the trip

Jeanie Keogh said...

Hi Manoshi,
I am looking to get in touch with you regarding your book The Royal Rajputs: Strange Tales and Stranger Truths for a brief telephone interview. I am conducting research about Chittor for a television documentary and need to see if we have enough material to go ahead with the series.

Jeanie Keogh said...

Hi Manoshi,
I am looking to get in touch with you regarding your book The Royal Rajputs: Strange Tales and Stranger Truths for a brief telephone interview. I am conducting research about Chittor for a television documentary and need to see if we have enough material to go ahead with the series.

Dr. Manoshi Bhattacharya said...
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Unknown said...

manoshi that was one whirlwind tour where we ate and walked and took in the sights. really glad we weren't deterred by the idea of a really short trip and went ahead. Vienna later will be a more relaxed and studied tour, promise. Can't have aunty giving me a piece of her mind all the way there. Nice write up.